
In today's fast-paced digital world, marketing has become an essential component of any business strategy. Our team of marketing experts has years of experience helping businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals and is excited to share the best tips, strategies and tactics to help you succeed.

KMK Media Hired by RAMP


(Rockford, IL) … KMK Media was hired by Regional Access Mobilization Project (RAMP) to create a marketing campaign to promote expanded their mental health. The campaign included billboards, radio ads, social posts, and marketing materials.

RAMP is a non-profit organization based in Rockford and supports individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential.

In business for more than 25 years, KMK Media Group is an award-winning woman-owned marketing firm specializing in web site development, graphic design, public relations, advertising campaigns and social media marketing.

KMK Media Promotes Hall
KMK Media Hired by Winnebago County Medical Societ...